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EComXFactor - The Ultimate Product Research Tool for your eCommerce Store

Above is an Instagram post on EComXFactor - The Ultimate Product Research Tool for your eCommerce Store. Just click on '>' button on the right side to swipe to the left for more pictures and information. A picture is worth a thousand words, so they say, and a video below is worth more.

So today guys, we're going to talk about how to increase your conversion rates in your Shopify or Woocommerce store. We're going to focus on improving conversion rates on your product page, so we're not going to talk about how to optimize the funnel in the checkout stage or the cart page. We're just going to focus on improving your product page, which elements you should use in order to improve your conversion and how to structure the product page correctly so you get the best conversion rates possible.

So this video is going to be all about how to increase conversion rates in your store it's going to have two parts.
The first part we're going to talk about what is conversion rate, where can you see your conversion rates? A few tips regarding how to analyze your conversion rates and I'm going to share with you 12 elements that promote conversion.

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In the second video, I'm going to share with you guys the page structure that we use in our Shopify and WooCommerce stores. We've done hundreds of split tests and this is the template that is working the best for us. I'm going to show you exactly which elements we use, where do we use them and why they are converting so well.

Before we upload any product page. I'm also going to share with you a few tricks and hacks that we use, in order to understand and get a few signals regarding if our product page is going to be good or not. So stay tuned until the end. I'm sure you're going to get tons of value from this video. Okay, let's start.

Conversion rates differ between pricing points. If you're selling a product for $9.99 Your conversion rates are probably going to be higher than if you're selling a product for $29.99 or $100. When people pay more, they do more research and the conversion rates are generally speaking going to be lower. So this is the first thing to take into account.

Because people are more likely to pay and make impulse buying, of a product that they really feel is solving a crucial problem in their lives. So let's say a posture corrector, is probably going to sell better than a bone for pets. And the last thing I want to emphasize is that conversion rates differ between markets.

You need to split test everything you do on your store because if the conversion rates are improving and you didn't AB test, you can't really know what is the reason behind the improvement of the conversions. Just the fact that you assume that something would work better doesn't mean that it will work better in the actual real life.

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The next thing is you must drive traffic to your website and learn the benchmarks. You can spend hours in Facebook groups and asking people what are their conversion rates and reading articles about conversion rates and stuff like that. But the most important thing is that you get to know the benchmarks of each niche and each market. What do I mean by this? As soon as you drive a lot of traffic for let's say cosmetic products in your store and you get to understand that cosmetic products, the conversion rate of cosmetic products in the US market are around 3% so from
now on, you know that every time you upload a new product in the same market and in the same niche, and if the conversion rates are lower than 3% so probably something is off with this specific product page or specific offer.

So where can we see your conversion rates? You can see them in the Shopify or WooCommerce analytics dashboard. Here's an example from one of our stores. As you can see you have here the add to cart conversion rate and sessions converted. The next place in which you can see your conversion rates are in your Google Analytics dashboard, and you guys if you haven't connected Google analytics yet, you should do so.

It's highly important. It's a really powerful tool that you can use to analyze and optimize your funnel. Here's an example from one of our stores. As you can see, I created a breakdown between desktop and mobile users. And this is very, very important because this way you can see two things. First of all, you can understand that if your performance in desktop is better, so you might as well consider targeting and creating ad sets that are desktop specific and not using only auto-placement and driving traffic only to your desktop website.

Let's cover now the majority of the elements that you can use in order to promote conversion. So the first one is scarcity. Highlighting items that are low in stock and making people, letting people know that the stock is running out. Here's a quick example from Amazon. Even Amazon uses these kinds of tricks. As you can see only two left in stock. This is a thing that obviously can promote conversion.

The next thing is creating a sense of urgency. Using countdown timers on your website, telling people that the limited-time promotion is ending by the end of the day or ending by the end of the weekend or ending before Christmas or whatever. Here's a quick example from Best Buys' website, as you can see here, they have a countdown timer, which is ending by the end of the day. The next thing is exit-intent popup.

This is not used so often in mobile versions because the popups don't look so well in mobile, but this is something that many websites do use in their desktop versions. Just let me show you guys an example. This is the Cinderella solution, one of the best offers running in the Clickbank affiliate network these days. I'm here watching the video and as soon as I go to the 'back button' I get this, this is the exit-intent popup.

Normally the website is going to try for the last time to convert you and make you change your mind instead of having. So as you can see here, they're telling me 'hold on, don't leave this page'. They might even offer me a promotion - 20% off or even ask me to enter my email and then they can re-market and send emails and try to convert me via email before I leave the website.

Okay. The next thing is having a lot of call to action buttons. You want to make the purchasing process as frictionless as possible for the buyer. So this means you have to have a lot of buttons, not too many, cause you don't want to confuse them, but you have to let them the possibility to start the checkout whenever they want.

So let me show you a quick example from what Russell Brunson, the founder of ClickFunnels is doing on his website.
So you see here that the call to action is 'yes, I want my free copy of the dotcom secrets'. Then you scroll down and suddenly You see another button 'ship my free copy. Now I'm ready to get started'... 'ship my free copy now, I'm ready to get started', 'Ship my free copy of dotcom secrets now,'

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The next thing is having social proof and testimonials. So I divide this into two. Testimonials is the first thing you must have customer reviews on your website and if you have images of customers using your product and benefiting from the main benefit of the product, obviously this is awesome. Also having video testimonials is something that can really promote the sale.

And the other thing is having social proof in a way that lets the people understand, let the customers understand that they are not alone on the website. People know this website that it's not a shady website and this isn't a
scam. So let's go back to the example of Clickfunnels, As you can see here, you have many different videos and testimonials of customers.

I'll show you another example from the Inspire Uplift website. So they have a lot of testimonials of customers. Obviously, in my opinion, it's better to have testimonials that are detailed and really emphasize and elaborate on the use of the product, how the customer, the potential customer can benefit from using it. And on the other hand,
this is a small social proof trick that an Inspire uplift is using. They took this widget and placed it under
the add to cart section.

And this basically whenever I entered the website and I see that I and the friends of mine have liked the Facebook page of this website, this gives me the understanding and the feeling that more people know this website and it's not a scammy website. The next element is product badging. So just using a small ribbon or even text saying that one product or one bundle or one type of product is the most popular or the best value or most recommended or anything like that can really improve the conversion rates and can make people choose this offer over another.

We tested something similar with a product of ours, and we just wrote next to one of the choices, which wasn't the cheapest one, We wrote 'most popular,' and people started buying this option more just because we wrote 'most popular,' we did an AB test, and we saw that the use of just writing 'most popular' has increased the conversion rate and increased the number of people who bought that specific option.

And this was amazing and something crazy that you should keep in mind as well. So product badging is highly essential. Another thing I'm going to talk about upsells and cross-selling. Cross-selling is selling a complementary product to your customers and showing them related products that can also help them. You guys probably know this from Amazon which uses it a lot. 'frequently bought together' and then they are offering you to buy a specific bundle,... customers who viewed this also viewed this and they give you ideas. It also makes you feel that this website is more legit and also might improve your AOV because if people, buy for example one thing and they think that even the other product can complement and help them solve their problems. So they might buy that product as well, and this will increase your AOV.

That's it for the first part of the video. Check out the second part of the video in which I'm going to share with you the page structure that we use for all of our product pages in our Shopify and WooCommerce stores. And I'm also going to share with you a checklist that you can use before you upload any product and launch a Facebook and Google ads.

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Post Christmas Party at Quayside Condominium in 2019

Last night, we had a year-end and post Christmas beach party 2019 at Quayside Condominium. Just click on the > button on the right side of the Instagram picture above to swipe to the left for more photos taken by me. There were many food counters like the main dishes, dessert, ice-cream, turkey, satay, drinks, and fried 'koay-teow.' I took the liberty to snap many photos and recorded videos to mark this yearly occasion. You will notice that the tablecloths were in red and green, a Christmas theme colors. There were many expatriates and locals there. However, some of the residents did not attend as they don't really like crowds and the very long queues for food. Before the start, there was a short fashion show dance with many white feathers. After dinner, there were sounds of firecrackers followed by singing and dancing. Thereafter, it was prize-giving to the lucky winners.

Thereafter, we went back while the party still continues. Next year, there will be Chinese New Year celebration party at Quayside Condo as well.

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A 1-minute Video of my Vacation in Genting Highlands

Above is a 1-minute video of my 3 days 2 nights short vacation in Genting Highlands recently from 24th to 26th December 2019. We drove there in the morning and reached at around 3:00 pm. Using the automated check-in machine, I chose near the lift for an extra $10. The video above was taken using InShot where the rendering was pretty fast with a list of free music to choose from like Christmas, among others. I can also add text, videos and still pictures, plus some funky animated gifs pictures for uniqueness.

I can also choose more stunning upbeat music from Sound Cloud which is a paid app. I really don't take note how much I spend on my blogging hobby and Instagram pictures or customized videos. On Instagram, the most you can add is a 1-minute video and more than that will be trimmed. Unlike YouTube, you can add more than 10-minute video for longer viewership to hit the minimum target of 4,000 hours of watching and 1,000 subscribers in 1 years to leverage and earn from your hard work.

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Awesome Christmas Winter Decorations in Queensbay Mall, Penang

I was in Queensbay Mall recently and took the liberty to capture lovely winter theme decorations with furry lifelike reindeers, soft toy penguins, a giant Christmas tree with white flakes, and more. The 4th picture captured was a giant balloon with other hand-assembled colorful balloons for posterity. I also posted the pictures on Toluna, a survey app, and a website to earn a little moolah. The ambiance was cool with the winter environment and many patrons and visitors like myself took the splendid pictures.

They are so lovely and any decorations by Capital Mall owned by Singapore will surely be unrivaled anywhere. Except it is on a smaller scale here in Penang as compare to prosperous Singapore. Anyway, I would like to wish you all Merry Christmas for there is a Reason for this Season. And that is the birth of Jesus Christ as a Saviour to the whole world, born in Bethlehem. Enjoy your Christmas holidays, whatever your plans may be, and I shall go to a mountaintop resort in Malaysia for my short break.

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Video Jaguar

I was given the 3 individual LicenseKeys to Video Jaguar Frontend for Square Video Maker, Story Video Maker, and Ad Video Maker to test out the cloud software online. The above square video was created using the Square Jaguar Video Maker where I added my recent photos of Quantum of the Seas cruise from 27th to 30th November 2019, which is a part of the Royal Caribbean cruise line from Florida, the US. Hence, I took the liberty to add some sumptuous food photos and a photo of myself against a backdrop of the swimming pool deck.

Video Jaguar was easy to use with the wizard to guide you through and how to add the text and choose colors, plus a repertoire soothing music for videos to select. And if you have an online presence or business, you can add your logo too and the URL or website address.

However, the rendering took some time to create a stunning video that you like and customized to your photos and choices. You also have the opportunity to select free photos stock from Pixabay or select your own photos from your computer. Take note that you can only use Video Jaguar on a laptop or computer. Therefore, all photos taken from your iPhone or other smartphones have to be transferred to your hard disc first of the laptop or desktop.

For instance, I resized the photos to 800 pixels x 800 pixels to fit into my Instagram photos and videos. The rendering will be faster as well, compared to raw photos in the megabytes sizes. Hence, for optimum viewing, it is advisable to resize your photos and choose the font colors accordingly for clarity.

As readers of this blog of mine, you can go to >> HERE or copy and paste the website address https://dealspotr.com/getcode/Rp3eC to your browser and use my referral code, PHILIN so that you will save a whopping 80% on yearly subscription. Simply click on the link to be directed to the website and save more than half for the annual subscription of Video Jaguar.
Moreover, you can also check out the pricing of Video Jaguar >> HERE, by clicking on the link given.

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Cruising onboard Quantum of the Seas by the Royal Caribbean from Florida, USA

Here is are some of the colorful children's pools onboard the Quantum of the Seas by The Royal Caribbean from Florida, the US. There was also a jacuzzi for the adults and children alike to get water massage. The view taken was from the outside and inside the ship as you swipe to the left or rather click on the button on the right side. The cruise was enjoyable and memorable. It was the first time we took this cruise from Matta Fair in Penang as it made its maiden voyage to stop by Penang's Swettenham Pier. There were about 15 decks or so if I can recall and this is the swimming pool deck. There are 5 free restaurants and 5 paid restaurants in Quantum of the Seas.

The complimentary restaurants are:
1. Windjammer Marketplace on Deck 14
2. Solarium Bistro on Deck 14
3. Cafe Two70 on Deck 5
4. Main Dining Rooms of Chic - Buffet, and Grande - A la Carte on Deck 3
5. My Time Dining on Deck 4

The paid specialty restaurants serving dinner only are as below. All on Deck 5:
1. Chef's Table
2. Chops Grille
3. Jamies Italian
4. Izumi Japanese Cuisine
5. Wonderland

We tried all the complimentary restaurants which were enough to cover our 4 days 3 nights cruise starting from 27th November 2019 till 30th November 2019.

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Such Pretty Orange Orchids Nicknamed Duh's Crown

The above photo was snapped by me while on a short trip to Singapore. We visited Gardens by the Bay flower dome and I took the liberty to take these awesome orange orchids for posterity. I find it strange that they are nicknamed 'Duh's crown!' These orange orchids are genuine and carefully tended to with green fingers of the gardeners in the flower dome, a complete air-con building built of study glass where sunlight can penetrate through for photosynthesis - a process where plants make its own food out of oxygen, sunlight, and water. We need more greenery such as those planted in Singapore where there are no mountains except small Bukit Timah to run to in case of war! I just love the large repertoire of plants and flowers here. The flora and fauna make the ecosystem stable and sustainable.

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Sleek Lamborghini Marque

Above is vermillion or bright orange-red colored marque of Lamborghini, a sleek sports car on display as a dangling carrot of lucky draw prize for anyone who buys a condo in Penang. I forgot who the developer was but it was displayed next to Ideal Property, selling affordable homes like Havana 'a and Queen Residences. If you click on the right button of the top picture, you will see more details of the premier sports car. Though I love the look and its chic design, I am a little worried of those who won this car accidentally know their heads on the low roof of the car, that is typical in all sports car with a higher center of gravity to move fast and turn at corners.

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2 Loans Rejected

After discussing with my family about the landed terrace house, my family is strongly against it, as the bank interests alone cost half a million dollars if paid in 20 years. Hence, I asked for bank rejection letters in order to get back my earnest deposit for 10 Denai Pinang 16 which cost $1.75M and another at 2A Denai Pinang 8, Phase 1 of Azira. It is located opposite Quayside and Straits Quay. It is a 2.5 storeys terrace house with a big garden or greenery behind but the porch can only accommodate 2 small cars. The owner of the first house, Mr. Lim, was elated when I decided to buy and promptly bought a $60k house for his daughter in Singapore. Now he is short of cash and I don't know what to do with him. I have requested 2 loan rejection letters and will get back my earnest deposit. The second one was the owner of Converse, apparently downgrading to sustain his struggling business with 4 outlets in Prangin Mall, Gurney Plaza, and Queensbay Mall, and another in Butterworth.

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Bitten by House Buying Bug

I am contemplating buying a landed terrace house in Straits Quay, Tanjung Toking for 1.84 M after bargaining hard from 1.88 M. It is a 2.5 storeys high terrace house in a gated community in Phase 1. I also went house hunting in Sunway Cassia and IOI Stramaz Residences in Sungai Ara, but those places are a bit off for me since Sunway Cassia was facing a low-cost Malay apartment on the way to the gated guardhouse. Although the interior designing was superbly done and supposedly cost $250 k, the disadvantage was I saw a Malay vagabond hanging around the low-cost Malay apartment, which is a big no-no.

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Sold 4 Umbrellas

I think it was a steal to sell 3 Golf umbrellas and 1 normal umbrella for $28. Well, I had to get rid of too many umbrellas given free especially by banks like the long golf umbrellas. They take up too much space and lie doing nothing as I have my own usual umbrellas that I put in the car for rainy days. With too many things, the place looks cluttered and now it is time I sell my stamps and first day covers collected since childhood. These will bring a premium if you have the time to do some research. There are the professional stamp sellers that will queue for first-day covers and mint sheets to sell at the right time whenever they are available at the post office.

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Back from JB

I was in Johor Bahru yesterday, waking up as early at 4:20am to blog a little and then get ready to have breakfast and thereafter to the airport to catch the 7:00 am flight by Air Asia, which flies direct from Penang to Johor Bahru. We went there to collect a down payment cheque for sports courts to be completed in a timely manner. The boss also bought up the franchise of DoubleTree by Hilton in JB and also owned the next block which is a health specialist center. The meeting was fruitful and we spent hours at the site. I love the hospitality and the lunch treat of Hakka food consisting of all vegetables, tomato omelet and ginger steamed fish. Boy, it was filling and it seems that I ate for 2 meals! - lunch and dinner. We came back a little tired as the flight was delayed for 1 hour at the JB Senai International Airport.

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Make $90 profit from the sale of my cabin luggage bag today

I am pleased that I managed to sell my free Condotti cabin luggage bag from Ambank for a premium at $90 instead of a mere $60, due to a last-minute message from Mudah.com.my. I sold it to Nurul, who is a student, just finished her STPM and waiting to be a prisons officer through training. We met up at Tesco food court at Tanjung Tokong which is less than 5 minutes drive from Quayside Condo. The Condotti luggage bag is an extra bag that I received it free from Ambank since I subscribed to monthly insurance payment of $300 per month per policy. I have 2 similar policies here. Tomorrow, the hired maid is leaving and it is a big relief since so many things were destroyed due to her itchy fingers. As she does not take care of people's property, we better let her of earlier than usual. Mum is 90% recovered.

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Selling my Precious Condotti Luggage Bag

I received a free navy blue Condotti luggage bag from Ambank for buying insurance the second time. It costs me $600 per month for 2 policies of $300 each. Now I have 4 insurance policies including Prudential, RHB's Tokio Marine, and 2 policies from Ambank. I had sold 3 luggage bags before. One was a gold Condotti, another a magenta Rainier, and the last one was a good branded silver Barry Smith as promoted by our 'Angkasawan' Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor, an orthopedic surgeon who graduated from India and did his masters in Malaysia. Hopefully, the buyer will meet me tomorrow should he be free and he will call me on where to meet. We had agreed to a minuscule price of $60 for the branded Condotti luggage bag.

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Maid is leaving - Very Relieved

I hired a maid on 15th June 2019 from Medan, Indonesia. On the first day, she asked if my mother has an extra green jade bangle for her!!! The reason I hired her was to take care of mum who had a fall and suffered compressed disc of the spine, etc. She also had diarrhea and it comes out almost non stop. Youngest sis, wanted to send mum to a nursing home since she sent granny and dad to nursing homes and refuse to let them come back. It was not karma as I intervened and said mum is to recuperate in Quayside Condo and immediately hired a maid from a 'joker factory' for her. The maid was Yati, I call her yeti, the beast. She had the audacity to break the glass door with so many lines of cracks to show her dissatisfaction when mum asked that youngest one help distribute my late father's estate to me and youngest sis, bypassing the second sis, since she did not contribute a cent for 5 years while doing her Ph.D. which took from 3 years to 5 years.

Yeti even used mum's handphone to download 25-30 apps of Dangdut music with baby laughing so loudly being played. I had the impression, yeti was using her own handphone since she secretly found her handphone in the drawer that I kept away from her. Well, her itchy hands just love to open and discover new things and perhaps look for loose cash here and there!

Mum's bone's density has more or less recovered at age 80 from osteoporosis to osteopenia. This means that the Forteo injection that costs RM 1,600 a month using dad's pension was helping her bone density. In the first 3 days, she even wanted to borrow RM 500 from mum, then me and then sis. It was all youngest sis' fault; spoiling her to bits by giving her 3 nightgowns, and more than 10 pieces of her branded t-shirts that she could no longer wear for the last 10 years. Yeti became bold and brazen, disobeyed orders and finished up my Ensure milk even though she has her own cheaper milk that we gave to her! I only drank 3 cups and the RM 84 Ensure milk tin was finished.

She also ate out 'bak kua' without permission. She will cut them into pieces and fry with rice for her dinner and other meals. There were 12 pieces of 'bak kua', where I had 4, mum 1, my spouse 1 and there rest, she just 'hau kor' away. Well for being disobedient, too brazen and bold, I decided to shorten her stay from 3 months to 2 months and that very day, she slammed the door showing her anger. The agent seems to inform her what's happening or rather the agent's other maid seems to inform yeti of her early dismissal. Well, good riddance to bad rubbish this 15th August 2019, her last day. Also mum's RM 10 is missing and we cannot let yeti stay at home in Island Park since mum's cash is kept all over the house including her costly jewelry.

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God Bless Mum

Mum took care of the youngest sis and now youngest one takes care of her back. I pity dad, where number 2, his favorite and groomed to care for him, escape to the UK to study for her Ph.D. that took 5 long years to complete. Her convocation is in July this year but it is sad that dad could not attend it as he has gone to be with Jesus. But he was around and alive when number 2 got married in Southampton in 2015. He badly wanted to be a grandpa, but the three of us are childless as both I and youngest sis are not married. So, he called himself 'khong khong' meaning empty; instead of 'ah kong'. That was dad's humourous self.

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Was in Singapore for a day

I flow down to Singapore alone by Air Asia which cost about RM 580 including airport tax, etc. When I reached there, I got help to get a Grab car that cost extra S$8 for a total of S$26 when it was only S$18 for the exact price,. The sales girl at the airport took the opportunity to charge extra dollars to pocket herself. The taxis were just outside, but in my enthusiasm, I asked the wrong person instead. I reach the Malaysian High Commissioner at around 12:00 noon and had to wait for after lunchtime before I could collect the signed documents. While waiting, a certain conman, named Lawrence Cheong, approached me looking for targets together with his 2 African assistants. Luckily, I was not taken in by his empty promises and silly ideas to make money our of me and my cousin.

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May go down to Singapore

Next week, I might go down to Singapore to collect sar ee's stamped IC and passport from the Malaysian High Commissioner so that her car can be sold to me and name changed. She had given mum full and final power of attorney of her assets. I have yet to buy the plane ticket but it will be a one-day affair and not a holiday. I had stayed in Singapore for 12 long years, so I don't miss anything. If possible, I want to come back home soon and get this done as soon as possible. I love working and not spending money unnecessarily. And the exchange rate is not cheap either, with 3 times the Malaysian value of ringgit.

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