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Showing posts with label Video. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Video. Show all posts

[Video] Mastering the Future: Your 2024 Resolution Blueprint Unveiled

As we stand on the cusp of a new year, the time has come to contemplate our resolutions for 2024. While traditional resolutions like getting in shape or saving money are valuable, let's take a different approach this time. Let's resolve to master the future and embrace the opportunities it holds.

Embrace Lifelong Learning: The pace of change is accelerating, and to thrive in 2024 and beyond, commit to continuous learning. Whether it's acquiring a new skill, exploring emerging technologies, or staying updated with industry trends, knowledge is your greatest asset.

Prioritize Mental Health: Mental well-being is essential. Make self-care a priority. Practice mindfulness, meditate, or seek professional help if needed. A healthy mind is the foundation for a successful future.

Embrace Sustainability: Climate change and environmental concerns demand action. In 2024, adopt sustainable practices in your daily life. Reduce waste, use eco-friendly products, and support businesses that prioritize sustainability.

Build Resilience: Life is unpredictable. Strengthen your resilience by developing problem-solving skills and a positive mindset. Prepare for challenges with grace.

Foster Relationships: Cultivate meaningful connections with family, friends, and colleagues. These relationships are the bedrock of personal and professional success.

Your 2024 resolution blueprint should focus on self-improvement, adaptability, and positive impact. By mastering the future, you'll not only thrive personally but also contribute to a better world. Cheers to a year of growth, resilience, and fulfillment!

Good morning! In the pursuit of happiness, we often find ourselves entangled in a web of desires and material pursuits. However, if you were to distill it down to its essence, true happiness boils down to just two fundamental elements: a healthy body and a calm soul.

A healthy body provides the physical foundation for a joyful life. It enables us to enjoy life's pleasures, pursue our passions, and fulfill our dreams. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate sleep contribute to this aspect of happiness.

Equally vital is a calm soul. Inner peace, mindfulness, and a sense of contentment are the keys to tranquility. Cultivating practices like meditation, gratitude, and mindfulness can help us maintain a serene state of mind amidst life's inevitable challenges.

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, we must remember that happiness doesn't always reside in external possessions or achievements. Instead, it often flourishes within us when we prioritize the well-being of our body and soul. So, as you start your day, consider nurturing these two essential elements, and you'll be well on your way to a genuinely happy life.

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[Video] After Death - From Angel Studios - in Theaters Starting 27th October!


After Death - from Angel Studios - in Theaters from 27th October 2023

From Angel Studios (The Chosen, Sound of Freedom) comes After Death! Get your tickets to see this movie in theaters starting 10/27!

• After Death features interviews with New York Times best-selling authors, doctors, scientists, and near-death survivors including Don Piper (90 Minutes In Heaven), Dr. Mary Neal (To Heaven and Back), John Burke (Imagine Heaven), Dr. Jeffrey Long (Evidence of the Afterlife), and Dr. Raymond Moody (Life After Life).

• See one of life’s biggest questions play out on the big screen!

• What happens when we die? You’re one ticket away from finding out.

• Near death experiences reveal so much. Find out more in theaters on October 27!

• John Burke was a skeptic before he first read about near-death experiences. Now, after researching near-death experiences for over 30 years and interviewing countless people who have gone beyond the veil and back, John is a pastor and an international speaker. Hear more from him in the film After Death, which comes to theaters on October 27.

• You can Pay it Forward to After Death to cover the cost of a movie ticket for someone who wouldn't otherwise be able to see it. When you Pay it Forward, you are part of the first movement in history to share stories that amplify light in this incredible way.

After Death from Angel Studios in Theaters 27th October 2023


Based on the true accounts of New York Times Bestselling authors, survivors give us a peek into life’s biggest question: What happens when we die?


After Death is a gripping feature film that explores what happens after we die, based on real near-death experiences, conveyed by scientists, authors, and survivors. From the New York Times bestselling authors who brought you titles like 90 Minutes in Heaven, Imagine Heaven, and To Heaven and Back, emerges a cinematic peek beyond the veil that examines the spiritual and scientific dimensions of mortality, inviting us to wonder: Is there life after death?


After Death in Theaters from 27th October 2023

• Buy tickets today to see After Death in theaters starting October 27th!

Website: LINK
Pay-It-Forward: LINK
Buy Tickets: LINK
Press Release: LINK

Giveaway: 2 tickets to see the film in theaters. (Note: This is limited to US winners only.)

Many thanks to Angel Studios for providing a sample of the product for this review. Opinions are 100% my own


Official Hashtags: #AfterDeathMIN #AfterDeathMovie #MomentumInfluencerNetwork

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[Videos] Delicious Local Street and Restaurant Food - Cheese-Baked Fish Fillet, Penang Curry Noodles, Chicken Wings, etc.

This is a short video on the delicious curry noodles in Penang. No red oil, no clams, no calamari, just a simple healthy meal, with extra fish balls and 'taupok'. In this order, I requested for 'bee hoon' (vermicelli) instead of the yellow noodles for a healthier choice.

A short video on cheese-baked fish fillet at Kim Gary Restaurant, Penang.

If you liked the video, please give it a thumbs up! I will be delighted, and it will also help me grow my channel. Kindly share this video with your family and friends on social networks.

Please don't forget to subscribe to my channel and hit the notification bell, so you won't miss out on any of my new videos. Thank you for watching.

The above is a short video on Lunch at Sushi King with Chicken Wings Clip.

That's me, the blogger, at Gurney Food Hall in Gurney Plaza, a premier shopping mall in Penang.

As it is past morning and 12:00 noon, hence the above greeting in an Instagram banner. Finally, stay safe, stay happy and stay at home.

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[Videos] Gurney Plaza's Food & Plants, Parents' House Garden & Travel, Good Morning, etc.

Food and Plants at Gurney Plaza Penang showcase the delicious food at Kim Gary Restaurant, Cakes at Bread History, and Chocolates at Famous Amos on the ground floor of the premier shopping mall at Gurney Plaza Penang. Do subscribe, like, and share this video entitled "Food and Plants at Gurney Plaza Penang."

If you liked the video, please give it a thumbs up! I will be delighted, and it will also help me grow my channel. Kindly share this video with your family and friends on social networks.

Please don't forget to subscribe to my channel and hit the notification bell, so you won't miss out on any of my new videos. Thank you for watching!!!

Parents' House Garden and Travel shows the vlogger's house garden with many types of aesthetic plants like the 'Pandan", also known as screwpine, which is a tropical plant prized mostly for its long, blade-like leaves.

Pandan (Pandanus) is an aromatic plant prized for its sweet floral fragrance and versatility. Its spiky leaves grow in fan-shaped bunches and thrive in tropical climates.

Pandan is used widely in South and Southeast Asian cuisines, due to its purported health benefits and culinary properties.

Below is a short "Good Morning" message to start the day.

And, here's another "Good Morning" video of colorful flowers and green leaves.

And finally here is a Good Morning message from my Instagram picture. Though it is already Sunday tonite, nevertheless, it is almost like a weekend to me, every single day. That's because, I enjoy what I do and do it purposefully.

To end this post, Have a Blessed and Safe Weekend and Weekday, everyone!

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[Videos] Queens Residences @ Queens Waterfront, Lunch & Groceries Penang, etc.

This video showcases the vlogger's visit to Queens Residences @ Queens Waterfront, opposite the Queensbay Mall. See the attractive water theme parks, jacuzzis, infinity pool with glass, children's wet theme park, and the calm blue seas surrounding Jerejak Island.

This is a MUST view video to appreciate the condo facilities, especially the infinity pool overlooking Jerejak Island, surrounded by azure blue seas for a calming experience.

Lunch and groceries, Penang showcases the affordable economy food in the heart of Georgetown, Penang. Lunch and groceries depict the various types of fruits, daily necessities, veggies, and your favorite almond flakes in a plastic container. It is hoped that you will subscribe and click "Like" to Lunch and Groceries, Penang clip that is carefully curated for your viewing pleasure. Do share with your friends, subscribe, and like Lunch and Groceries, Penang. Thanks.

As today is a Sunday, I decided to pick a Sunday Blessing image from my Instagram account. Hope you like it!

Do enjoy the instapic above with pertinent wordings that are meaningful and encouraging. This is the Christian faith. That's it for this week's post. Stay safe, stay healthy and most of all, stay HAPPY!

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[Videos] Healed in Jesus' Name, Unboxing, Why Work Hard, etc.

“Then they shall eat the flesh on that night; roasted in fire, with unleavened bread and with bitter herbs, they shall eat it. Do not eat it raw, nor boiled at all with water, but roasted in fire — its head with its legs and its entrails.” Exodus 12:8–9

Why do we need to work hard? Simple. To sustain ourselves in this pandemic with an emergency buffer fund through years of saving.

A short video on the unboxing of Gary Levox's (a celebrity Christian singer in the USA) personally signed poster. As a blogger, I get the priviledge, of reviewing kinds of stuff for free, paid, or otherwise.

See the fancy color instagram picture above from my account. I love the rainbow colors and a happy mesage of "Good Morning."

Do everything with a good heart, and expect nothing in return, and you will never be disappointed.

With the Delta and Lambda variant, stay at home, stay safe and stay healthy. That's it for this week's post.

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[Videos] Häagen-Dazs Ice Cream Cakes that I can only salivate looking, etc. and Happy Birthday to Me.

This is a very short video on Youtube. It is on Häagen-Dazs Ice Cream Cakes that I can only salivate just by looking at them. July is my birthday month, hence, I decided to take the opportunity to shoot this video for posterity, never mind if I don't taste this very expensive ice cream.

This is a short video on the vlogger's birthday gift of cards from her second sister and brother-in-law in the UK. It is the thought that counts. Thank you, Su Mei and Peter. Love you.

This program is full of activities and really interesting to learn from him. By the way, RM 100 will be donated to a children's cancer home, while the excess money will be for the trainer himself, Vince Tan, and his awesome team. The cost was an affordable price of at least RM 100.

A little background about the trainer on his LinkedIn page:

Selflesspreneur, Marketer, Speaker, Strategist, Geek, Closer, Hustler - Malaysia's Biggest Crowd Funding Investor, World's #1 Virtual Live Summit Organizer, Servant to #1 Entrepreneur Masterclass in South East Asia.

Here is a birthday-themed Instagram picture to wish myself a "Happy Birthday." This is my eye-candy for you, to immerse in looking at the colorful balloons, candles and a cake topped with frosted-white cream, and such.

This is a song sung by the Carpenters, entitled 'Sing a Song.' I like the lovely floral-themed pictures plus groovy music to the ears. This is for your listening pleasure. Enjoy. Finally, stay safe and stay at home. Most of all, Stay Happy!

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[Videos] The Ministry of Health Malaysia starts Ivermectin Trial and DgnPet.com Dog Collar

The Ministry of Health Malaysia starts the Ivermectin trial, for high-risk COVID-19 patients.

According to Wikipedia, Ivermectin is a medication used to treat many types of parasite infestations. In humans, this includes head lice, scabies, river blindness (onchocerciasis), strongyloidiasis, trichuriasis, ascariasis, and lymphatic filariasis. In veterinary medicine, it is used to prevent and treat heartworm and acariasis, among other indications. It can be taken by mouth or applied to the skin for external infestations.

This is a sponsored video on DgnPet.com Dog Collar. The sponsor wanted to edit my video a little and put it on Amazon. So, I let her have the .MOV file which is a very large one and took some time to email over. So, far she loves my work and had been sending over the pet items for review and videos for her clients.

Above is an Instagram picture on the 10 rules of Ikigai that resembles closely to the scriptures in the Bible. Hence, I put it here for myself to refer to and also for you, my dear friends. I keep reading over and over again to refer to this piece of nuggets of wisdom in life, in friendship and everything else, other than the Bible.

That's me taken in a cruise - Quantum of the Seas, before Covid-19 strikes. Now I am waiting for a date for my vaccination and God knows only when. In the meantime, stay positive, stay happy and stay healthy. Keep the Malaysian politics out of your mind to stay sane, people. Have a wonderful weekend.

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