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Showing posts with label SARS Wars. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SARS Wars. Show all posts

SARS Wars Parody of Stars Wars: the rogue Chinese, LOL

The above is a removed funny video showcasing the Chinese eating anything that moves; and even going into outer space in search of FOOD! This is a hilarious video by Tano that I have to put it here for posterity. During the Movement Control Order (MCO), Restricted Movement Order (RMO) or lockdown, we people are getting to be rather creative. We come out with hilarious videos that I give Tano credit to for such a near belief stars wars like clip. Well, as usual, following the footsteps of Donald Trump, he thinks the rogue Chinese cause this Covid-19 or 'Wuhan-19.'

Well, I beg to differ on this sensitive issue here and there have been some controversies of the Covid-19 being used as a biological warfare weapon originating from the U.S. I hope all these lockdown will end soon so that we can continue with our business again and go back to normal life prior to Covid-19. So, in the meantime, watch the video to the end before it disappears or something.

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