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Showing posts with label dreams. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dreams. Show all posts

Not Easy to Make Money Online

Unless you are Timothy Tiah, the boss of Nuffnang, most of us are not making good money online. But some of the select blogger with very high traffic are making stable income online - thanks to the sponsored posts from Nuffnang to Red Mummy, 5 x m o m (who by the way, got someone reported her to the police about her seditious tweet recently and for being too obnoxious and big-headed). You can read about it in The Straits Times page 10 on yesterday's issue. Making money online was quite a lucrative business for me in 2007s but not anymore! And I am not the only one affected. Most of the highly paid bloggers also got the cold shoulder.

So now we have to rely on other means to make money online like pay per click, pay per view, or pay per email read, etc. But these are very time consuming and pay very little like 0.5 cent to 1 cent each. Money goes out each month like turning on a tap and let the water run out. But making money is not easy as we have all known, unless of course you are Timothy Tiah, able to conceptualize a brilliant idea and make it work so well not only in Malaysia but other countries as well.

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