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Welcome 2013

2012 ended on a high note and 2013 dawned with colourful display of fireworks. I have made some good income, in the region of 6 figures last year and it has been profitable for the business. Moreover, I also earn from my bonds and fixed deposits from the various banks. I got back most of the money I put into insurance when I surrendered the policy in November as I have too many policies which are pointless! Just pray for God's continual blessings this year, as He has blessed me with last year and the preceding years. More importantly, it is His protection that I need 24/7 for the rest of my life, so that I can continue to work and earn an income with my computer. Don't plan to retire so soon yet, as I have many more fruitful years to contribute to the business and the nation, indirectly.

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Back from Christmas Holidays

My youngest sister is still in South Hampton enjoying herself and will be back on 2 January 2013. Meanwhile, I had a short holiday over Christmas and it is now over. Time flies so fast and before you know it, it is time for New Year celebration. I got myself an iPhone 5 with IOS 6 last night. I traded in my old iPhone 4 for $700 and bought the new iPhone 5 for $2,012. This month, I am in a spending moon and also contributed $400 to charity. I also got a Prada handbag from KLCC, the most expensive gift I got myself. These are my own hard earned money and it pays to spend a little so that there is the motivation to keep working diligently.

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New Mercedes S280

My colleague is doing very well. She just bought a Mercedes S280, silver in colour after getting a promotion and bonus this year. It is more of a family car and I guess her kids will fit in nicely. The car looks good but very expensive. Since she is in the sales line, it will suit her job functions well and impress potential clients. She earns a basic plus commissions that bring in the dough. Well, I just wish her well with her new car. It is an apt Christmas present to herself with this sleek marque, fully automated with many functions - according to her.

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Looking for Work Online

Just the other day, I woke up early in the morning before 6:30am and fired up my computer to look for work online. My efforts paid off when I found a job offer that I can easily complete within minutes. An email reply came back asking for more details and how I will go about doing this work. After fast correspondences, I completed the work to add meta tags to the web site so that it will be listed first in google and was promptly paid US$20.00 on the same day!

By the way, my client was from Ipoh, a film producer living in New York, and apparently doing quite well there! It certainly pays to live in Malaysia while earning US dollars which can be converted three times to local currency.

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Time for an Update

I have been some days since I last update this blog. I was in KL for business for about 1 week. Now I am back in Penang to do some online work for a client from Australia. Unlike most people who would rather sleep than work, I am a workaholic and will always find something meaningful to do. As they say, "Make Hay while the Sun Shines!" So, while I am still healthy and able, I will work for as long as possible for a secure golden retirement. What about you? Don't get jealous of my success, as I certainly work hard for it. While most of other people prefer to just nap at home or watch telly.

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Priority Banking

Today I went to Public bank again to take out my Fixed Deposit that matured last month and put into Standard Chartered Bank to take advantage of the 4.01% interests rate per annum. In the meantime, I also applied for priority banking and received a notepad that looks like a diary. I also hope to get my Infinity Credit Card. Well, I am not too happy with the service of the relationship manager who tells me that there is no gift at all and all given out. After much talking, then only she relented. My God! This was my entitlement that should be given out automatically and not with much persuasion or arm-tactic. I feel like lodging a complaint but then that will be another day.

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Peace working from my Apartment

I now enjoy more peace of mind working from my new apartment where there is complete privacy and silence from the neighborhood. In fact, my opposite neighbor does not even stay at her condo and only comes once in a while for holidays. It is like a holiday home for her. So, in the meantime, I am enjoying myself working all alone with all the facilities put in place like a fax machine, multi-functional printer with scanner and copier and of course, my new laptop installed with Windows 7. My boss has gone out for site visit and to run errands while I handle all the computer work and administrative job. It is a win-win partnership for us where we do everything ourselves without the additional overheads of extra staffs. This company is blessed!

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