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Housing Loan Fees

Tomorrow, I shall be meeting with the developer's lawyer to collect my S & P agreement signed middle of last year and to pay the lawyer $4,300 in legal fees for the bank loan from RHB for my second condo, The Wave - touted to be phase 3 project by Ivory Properties. It is very costly and my first condo's bank loan fees was borne by the developer, thus saving me thousands plus 5% discount of the unit during Hari Raya promotion for the bumiputera, of which I received gleefully. Now everything costs money and things are rather exorbitant now. When I bought the second condo, it was about $800 per sq ft which has now gone up to $1,100 per sq. ft.

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Rolex Women's Diamond Watch

Women’s jewelry is often saturated with insipid and unsophistically designed forms that are paraded as glamorous and stylish pieces. Some of the most unrefined designs in many jewelers’ selections are women’s diamond bracelets. While several jewelers fill their showcases with gaudy and brazen pieces, the master craftsmen at Avianne & Co. have over the past twenty years developed an exquisite gallery of elegant and refined women's jewelry whose designs are based on traditional principles and an extensive design process that pushes those principles to their boundaries.

The New York City-based Avianne Jewelers have used their decades of experience to come out with an extensive array of fine diamond jewelry. The newest addition to their constantly expanding collection is the women's diamond bracelet, made from 14k white gold and brilliantly cut diamonds with the 4 'C's taken into careful consideration: carat, colour, cut and clarity. You can check out their blog at Avianne & Co. Blog for more information.

Unlike their competitors, the jewelers at Avianne & Co. aim to design and produce the most exciting and original pieces in the industry. They also offer custom-made pieces with designs shown for your approval before casting into actual tangible jewelry. Their clients include celebrities with the likes of the flamboyant Nikki Minaj, amongst others. Coming from a humble background, Nikki has certainly made good and made a name for herself as one of the most well-dressed personalities in Hollywood. She has a matching Rolex Women's Diamond Watch for any special occasion like being a former judge at the eponymous American Idol 2012 season.

I love her fashion style, what more with matching wigs of various colors for different settings that brings out her beauty. Diamonds are a girl's best friend for sure, and matching some sophisticated genuine diamonds with your clothes will bring out the elegance and haute couture in any person.

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Magnetic Resonance Imaging

I went for MRI scan the other day for the pain on my left arm and it was diagnosed as supraspinatus tendonitis. In layman's term, it is inflammation of the tendons which join the muscles to the bone. I was inside the machine for like eternity, a wholesome 20 minutes hearing noises. It uses sound waves together with magnetic waves to form images slice by slice. Each slice takes about 2 minutes to form, so imagine the number of images made during the boring 20 minutes of lying down without any movement, other than breathing. The cost? A whopping $800 for the session of which I am going to claim from my one and only insurance company, Prudential. Still going for physiotherapy frequently for faster healing.

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I love the internet

I love milking the internet - my cash cow since I signed up for my first broadband. Just the other day, I got S$15 for a 10 minute job and this converts to RM40 in my local currency. Still on the lookout for more online work such as this and preferably for long term ones that I can comfortably handle. As I work in a home office, it suits me perfectly well besides getting to take power naps in between work. My life is now blessed and a 180 degree-turn since I met my boss online, who is now my best friend. He started out as my website client, and then eventually employed me to work at home for his sports surfacing business.

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Spent Chinese New Year in Hatyai

I went to Hatyai during Chinese New Year 2014 with my mum and youngest sis. Dad stayed back and lived the life of a bachelor for the few days we were away. We departed by chartered van at 5:30am in the morning from our house and arrive Hatyai around 9:30am. Surprisingly, there was no one in sight, probably due to the bomb scare in Southern Thailand two days before Christmas. Hence, this time round during the festive CNY, there were hardly any tourists from Malaysia. Most prefer to stay put considering all the hoo-ha and revolt to topple the Ying Luck government.

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Sunset by 3:00pm or so

It was the first time I experienced winter in United Kingdom, in London where the sun sets at 3:00pm and it is already dark by 4:00pm. Such is the weather in London and elsewhere in Europe during winter. It was cosy walking along the streets where you can experience air-con comfort and coolness out in the streets. Well, my trip to Europe was enlightening and an experience for me. Both my younger sisters have studied in UK and experience the culture, weather and food over there. I went there as a tourist and really paid through my nose for the expensive trip for 19 days.

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Going to Hatyai

After my recent trip to Europe, I shall be going to Hatyai by bus during Chinese New Year with mum and youngest sis. We shall be staying for 3 days and 2 nights, departing at 5:30am in the morning when the chartered van comes to pick us up from our house. I plan to get some cosmetics and maybe some bras. As usual, we don't miss our foot massage at a place near the hotel. I hope and pray that Hatyai will be safe from the chaos in Bangkok to overthrow the government of Ying Luck. Chinese New Year is a time I stay with my family at their house since my spouse will be away for a couple of days. I just hope he gets back soon and continue the normal routine as always.

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