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[Video] Trip to China covering 4 places - Shanghai, Hangzhou, Suzhou and Wuxi

The above is a walk down memory lane just before Covid-19 hits. It was a trip to China covering 4 places - Shanghai, Hangzhou, Suzhou and Wuxi, by Air Asia. Those were the heydays and carefree years away from the fear of contracting the recent pandemic that has ravaged the world economy, made millions unemployed and homeless, so say the least.

Anyway, enjoy the night lights of a river cruise in Wuxi, supposedly a retirement town in China. Yet it was bustling with activities at night like tourists such as yours truly patronizing this lovely town for its man-made lights and creations along the small river. Just beside this river were many souvenir gift shops for your shopping indulgence.

As usual, I got myself some fridge magnets from the various countries that I had visited for posterity and the dozens of magnets stuck to my fridge as a mini celebration of my world tour. Each year, I will visit different country/ countries before Covid-19. So, now I just stay at home, even during Christmas, where previously it was routine to visit Genting Highlands for its fresh mountain air, and to dine plus a little shopping. Gambling is a big no-no.

Hope you like the colorful Instagram picture above taken from my account. In all things, we need to put God and Jesus first, so that our labor will not be in vain. Also, man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceeds from the mouth of GOD. See the picture below for some nuggets of wisdom.

Enjoy. God's Word is our most powerful weapon against depression, sickness, poverty, and other ills of society. Finally and in retrospect, stay safe and stay at home if possible.

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