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A Night at the Theatre Charity Concert - Planet Dance Sydney

Above was a removed video shot by me during a performance entitled "A Night at the Theatre Charity Concert - Planet Dance Sydney," way back on Nov 18, 2008. That shows how long this video was! Yes, more than 11 years ago or so. How time flies. Those were the days when I was still staying with my parents in their house, especially bought by my late DAD who had gone to be with Jesus. You could say those were carefree days when going in and out of the home was total freedom. Here in Penang Times Square, I am cooped up in my unit, NO freedom to move around freely, partly due to the novel coronavirus or abbreviated as Covid-19. Instead of calling it Wuhan-19 which is rather insensitive, it was called Covid-19 instead.

Due to my constant letters of complaints to the developer due to some inconsequences and open burning outside the condo, the ex-chairman of the resident's committee was rather afraid of me exposing his 'corruption' of using the residents' money to buy himself a Mercedes E250, the exact model, and color that my spouse owns and he bought it over from my mum's sister who now has dementia. So what did he do? Hire a 'gangster' to come and disturb you each time you move in and out of the condo! They play busy bees and make lots of noises sometimes to frighten you off to see what they are capable of doing should they be reported to MACC! But I am not that vindictive and will never do such a thing! It is just unfortunate that my spouse treats me like a rival instead of a partner! And he loves the adulation they give him because he gives out red packets of money to the residents' children while he used to quarrel with me frequently and talk back like a wrestler!

Well, I have my Heavenly Father to protect me from such demonic agents. The fear of man brings a snare but the fear of God brings wisdom. The fear of God here means reverence to Him. If I could foresee the future, I would have remained nice to my first bf and stay put in Singapore while traveling the world free of charge since he still works in SIA (Singapore Airlines)

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2016 Christmas Performance on Genting's Superstar Libra Cruise

Above is a short video taken by me while on board Genting's SuperStar Libra cruise that no longer berth here in Penang's Swettenham Pier. It used to be a twice weekly cruise from Penang to the International High Seas for the gamblers to play their favorite games, whatever they are, and try their lady luck at winning something, hopefully. Those were the days of leisure and fun, while working hard in a home office. Well, as you can see from the video, it was near Christmas way back in 2016 and we were lucky to get a chance at getting on board this short cruise for a night. The performance was about 16 seconds, so I appreciate if you watch to the end on this lively song and dance. Now as I look back at my old videos, I can reminiscence the good times I had with my spouse and best friend. I hope my future videos will entertain with more songs, performances, and such. In the meantime, Enjoy the show!

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My Own Stupeflix Video of Sumptuous Foods

Above was a short removed video done by Stupeflix containing some of the awesome pictures of my own photos and edited in software and put together in this video for posterity. Had I seen this video again like recently, I would have maintained my defunct websites as they are valuable for blogging and leveraging for remuneration. Unfortunately, those blogs in the Stupeflix video are gone forever but you can still recall those good times when I was happily showing off the foods that I had until an Obnoxious 5 x M U M got jealous and started criticizing it, trying to make herself look good.

Well, this proudly to be known Obnoxious M U M is below the radar now and not so bitchy as she used to be. Due to her very high profile of bitching about, someone else reported her to the police for something obscure that she posted on Twitter and the police confiscated her laptop for 1 year or so before returning it, thanks to the late Karpal Singh, who fought for her free of charge.

Apparently, she had been told to shut up or get into hot soup. So there you go, an obnoxious someone turned into a new leaf, because all of us have issues and problems that you never know about and it only makes the person worse by bitching online. There are many ways to earn an income and you don't have to bitch to get higher traffic especially gossip readers who love such content. Well, that's my 2 cents of opinion and experience in the past.

Another thing! Please view the video to the end and you can watch it repeatedly if you like it. Do subscribe, comment and hit the bell button beside the Subscribe button in my Channel of Diana Tan for more future videos from me. Thanks for watching.

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Chinese New Year Buffet Lunch at Cititel Hotel

Above is a video assembled by me with free chosen Chinese music that I gave credits to at the end of the video. Unfortunately for Instagram video, it was cut to only 1 minute at the most, unless it is IGTV where you can watch for a longer time. This was a series of photos and videos taken at Cititel Hotel during the 2nd day of the CNY. We also tossed yee sang, a small plate enough for the remaining 4 of us, since dad is with Jesus now. The CNY decorations were awesome and I took the liberty to snap a photo of the decor for posterity. It was a buffet lunch with half price for senior citizens. Mum's best friend and a church member, Eng Kooi, had passed away recently due to old age. According to mum, his wife went to bed early not knowing that her hubby had passed on in the sitting room by the next morning. It was a silent funeral, not many people knew about it and he was eventually cremated.

Anyway, CNY is supposed to be a happy occasion and I shall dwell on pleasing kinds of stuff this lunar year of the rat. Below are my pictures that you can take your time to swipe to the left by clicking on the ">" button on the right side of the photos of my Instagram account. I am aware I am not popular with some readers here and some of you may be stalking this blog of mine, but who cares? I cannot go around pleasing everyone. You are bound to make foes out of people especially when they see you doing well and want to imitate you but hate you at the same time.

Here are the pictures below: Enjoy my friends!

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One Secret to Prevent a Heart Attack

The gist of the video is this: Stress releases cortisol that triggers a heart attack due to environmental stress and mental stress! This video was presented by an Indian Geriatrician, a specialist who treats older people. The video is very informative and certainly applied to dad, who at that time, we were not aware of the seriousness of the stress that he went through staying in a nursing home. Even though there were food, shelter, and maids, the stress came from his bloody room-mate who was fondling the maids and hanky-pankying around at night while dad was his room-mate trying to sleep at night. Before this joker and womanizer came, dad had the room to himself. Hence, he had complete privacy.

So, this video is shown in tribute to dad's suffering and the 5th heart attack that took his life. Moreover, dad was stubborn. When he knew he had the first sign of a heart attack, he was very reluctant to go for surgery and bypass. I am not sure if money was the root of the problem or the lack thereof. The last straw was when his youngest sister dated a married man and his wife came to complain to dad, which added to his stress and due to his aging cognitive thinking, he mistook mum to have an affair instead! Therefore, he lost all hope to live and surrender everything to God and I was the last one to see him that fateful night. He complained of chest pain even though I touch his heart slightly to pray for him. From the nurses, dad woke up at 3:00 am to request for a cup of Milo at IJN and eventually passed on early in the morning at around 5:00 am on 17th December 2018.

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Dinner at Uncle Don's - Dine like a Don

I was having dinner at Uncle Don's last week where the tag line states "Dine like a Don", whatever that means. A quick check-up in Google defines "a don" as "a university teacher, especially a senior member of a college at Oxford or Cambridge." Wow! What an honor! The food that we ordered was fish and chips with veggies on the side, and for me, mushroom soup with butter garlic slices, since I need to lose weight. Hence, I had a lighter dinner than the usual heavy complete meal. The ambiance was full of upbeat music with many patrons outside seated on high chairs with high tables ordering beer and alcohol.

There were many stands of congratulatory bouquets of fresh flowers sprucing up the entrance of the restaurant, newly opened in Penang Times Square, facing Dato Keramat Road. The waiters and waitresses were attentive and responsive. Perhaps "new brooms sweep clean." And I hope they maintain this good service. This place was formerly occupied by Beer Factory, but unfortunately, it could not take off. So that place was left vacant for quite sometime before the Kuala Lumpur establishment took over, by Uncle Don's - Dine like a Don!

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Magnificent Ocean Theme of Chinese New Year Decorations in Queensbay Mall

I was in Queensbay shopping mall yesterday and took the liberty to video record the awesome decorations of an ocean theme. There was a giant inflatable oyster with a shiny pearl, even the floor has an ocean theme and such. I was there during dinner time to drink avocado mixed with pineapple juice, and 'Hokkien' beehoon. I am also trying to lose weight, and have gone down to 72kg from 80kg. I still need to lose some weight for a healthier BMI. My doctor had advised me to avoid sugars and complex sugar like carbohydrates present in rice, bread, and noodles.

As you can see from the video, the decorations filled up the entire central atrium, with giant bubbles hanging from the ceiling and sea creatures with seaweeds and algae, etc. When I recorded this splendid video and put it on my Instagram account, I was followed by QueensbayMall Instagram. Apparently, they like my video of almost the whole decoration taken from the 2nd or 3rd floor, I cannot quite recall. Anyway, enjoy my work.

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